AXA IM's Bond Performance Barometer

The Dutch pension industry is the fourth largest in the world and it is about to become a €1.7 trillion building site, moving from a regulatory-driven framework in the Great Rotation to an economically-driven one. The pension funds will shift from defined benefit to defined contribution structures and naturally, because today they’re in DB schemes in a regulatory-based system, a large part of that portfolio is being allocated to government bonds, with a much smaller proportion allocated to credit bonds. 

In order to help Dutch pension funds navigate the road to the new DC system and the corresponding Great Rotation within their fixed income portfolios, AXA IM had launched an easy to understand ‘Bond Performance Barometer’ infographic, which will be published on a quarterly basis together with analytical commentary. The barometer indicates the relative ‘weather,’ or return spread, for institutional investors allocating between government bonds or corporate bonds of the same credit rating.

Bond Performance Barometer Q4 - January 2022
Download report (1.09 MB)


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